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Bucci Radio

Dec 25, 2018

Today is Christmas! This is also our last episode of 2018. HOLY SHIT where did the year go? I’m feeling so good that it’s the end of the year and I love this time of reflection on everything and being able to sit back and think about what worked, what didn’t work, what I learned, how I grew, and what things made...

Dec 20, 2018

Welcome to another episode of Bucci Radio!

I’m so excited for you guys to hear an episode like this today where we talk about something a little different but still related back to everything you do in your life and business. Today’s guest is Stef Sifandos. Stef is a relational alchemist, he’s a coach, mentor, and...

Dec 11, 2018

Today’s episode is so highly requested and I’m so excited to teach you guys how to pitch your program and offer on Instagram stories like a pro without being salesy. After this episode,  you’re going to know what to say when you're trying to tell people about your program, how often to say it, and how to say it...

Dec 5, 2018

I am so honored to have today’s guest on this episode. He’s a very special person in my life, one of my biggest spiritual mentors and his name is Gavin Frye. Gavin has been a licensed psychotherapist for 35 years. He works with people who are at a turning point in their lives and teaches them how to break up with...

Nov 20, 2018

Welcome to this solo episode of Bucci Radio!

Have you ever followed someone you know on social media who is trying to build an audience, add value, and teach and you just notice that this person is much different or better in real life than they are on social media? I’ve met many people that are this way, and...